Marketplace has now moved to MakeWebGames

We're excited to announce a new partnership with, with this we have moved the marketplace portion of over to the forums to better serve our users.

This marketplace will remain in a red only mode going forward.

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Market Place

Introducing MCCodes Marketplace

Now all your MMORPG features at one place. An intensive library for web game developers to acquire modules for their MMORPG game with ease in order to decrease development time significantly.

Here you will find a collection of MMORPG features for variety gaming themes such as:

  • CrimesRPG
  • Medieval
  • War
  • Ancient
  • Sci-fi
  • ..much more!

Marketplace offers game developers a large-scale amount of modules which can be easily installed on their MCCode engine platform for their web browser game(s). Browse modules today according to your MMORPG mccode engine and get building your game.

The purpose for offering a whole library of module collection is to decrease your development time or/and to aid your web development learning.

Who adds modules in the MCCodes Marketplace?
The MCCodes community members develop modules focused on particular MCC engine and list them for free or for a price. As well as MCCodes itself adds modules in the Marketplace.

How are these modules available at Marketplace quality assured?
When a developer of a module adds a module in the MCC Marketplace, the MCCodes Mods Approval team are given 12-24 hours to inspect these modules before they go up to the public for download/sale. We will inspect security and quality of each module and reject the modules which do not comply with our standards.

How can I purchase modules from the Marketplace?
Mod purchases have now been disabled. Thank you for your business over the years.

How can I list modules on the Marketplace?
New mod uploads have now been disabled.

You can read Terms of Use of the Marketplace

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