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MCCodes Releases Updated Versions for all Paid MCCodes Products

Added March 15 2012 by MCCodes

MCCodes Releases Updated Versions for all Paid MCCodes Products

MCCodes would like to announce today the availability of the following updated versions of MCC products:
• MCCodes 1.1.1
• MCCodes 2.0.5
• MCCodes Redux 2.5.6

MCCodes 2.0.5 is a patch on top of 2.0.4 which addresses a few bugs found in 2.0.4 and adds a couple more optimizations made in the development of 1.1.1 and 2.5.6, while 1.1.1 and 2.5.6 effectively bring MCCodes v1 and Redux up to the standard of 2.0.4/5.

Changelogs for 1.1.1 and 2.0.5 are attached to this post, there is no changelog available for 2.5.6 but it essentially contains the same bug & security fixes that 2.0.4 did for MCCodes v2 games.

Please report bugs through our bug tracker, or here if you prefer (though reporting them to our official bug tracker is much better for us)

Update Paths Information

Version 1.1.1
Please do not try to upload the 1.1.1 files over your old version MCCodes v1 games - they require edits & possible database changes first. Contact MCCodes for assistance if you wish to update a relatively new v1 game with them.

Version 2.0.5
If you wish to place the 2.0.5 files over your (UNMODIFIED) 2.0.4 ones you can do so without having to make any database changes.

Version 2.5.6
If you want to just place the 2.5.6 files over your (UNMODIFIED) 2.5.5 ones you can do so and have it function correctly by executing the following SQL queries:
INSERT INTO `settings` (`conf_name`, `conf_value`) VALUES('jquery_location', 'js/jquery-1.7.1.min.js');
ALTER TABLE `userstats` ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `userid` ) ;
ALTER TABLE `forum_posts` CHANGE `fp_text` `fp_text` TEXT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE `fedjail` ADD UNIQUE (`fed_userid`);
ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `pass_salt` VARCHAR( 8 ) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL ;

Products for thorough information about these releases.

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